From Our Family to Yours!

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You care what you put on and in your body. We do too.

One of our good friends (and repeat customers) helped us figure out a Safety Data Sheet for our Bug-be-Gone Spray. He’s got a deep background in chemical engineering. He goes: “Hey do you guys need all of this stuff in here? It’s really powerful stuff and you could probably mix this up without as much of the different oils and it would still work.”

We’re like, “Nope! That’s how powerful we want this to be.”

We’ve been using this for years for our own family because we’re sick of getting bitten by mosquitoes. That’s the one thing that cuts down on fun when we’re out there scratching itchy bug bites.

This blend of oils creates a deterrent for mosquitoes, while also smelling naturally clean. Instead of spraying yourself with aerosol and chemicals, you can spray yourself with a natural alternative. Bugs won’t come near you.

This is a seasonal product that we only sell during the summer months, so grab a bottle today!

Ingredients: Witch Hazel, Neem Oil, Vegetable Glycerin, Fractionated Coconut Oil, Vanilla Extract, Tea Tree Essential Oil, Geranium Essential Oil, Peppermint Essential Oil,Clove Essential Oil, Lemon Essential Oil

Weight 5 oz

2 reviews for Bug-be-Gone Spray

  1. Britney Adams (verified owner)

    Unfortunately, I have the blood that attracts every single mosquito when I go camping so I decided to try this. Along with the other products I have tried from Exactly Zero, their bug spray is AMAZING and worked WONDERS for me. I definitely recommend it!!

  2. Keirra Woodard (verified owner)

    This protected us from a whole CLOUD OF MOSQUITOES we encountered on a short hike.
    The mosquitoes literally my boyfriend and I out of the woods.
    When we got back to the car, I had just a few bites despite having been surrounded by a cloud of them.
    I then found another benefit when looking up anti bite remedies – the witch hazel on this can be applied directly to the bites to stop itching. That plus applying a little ice and I wasn’t even itching the next day despite many bites
    This thing works as well or better than Off in normal conditions too. I live in Texas and can’t go in the backyard in summer normally without a mosquito or two harassing me, but now I apply this each day and don’t have to worry! It also doesn’t have the icky chemical smell of name brand sprays. It has a light, vaguely citrus-y scent, and it’s all natural so I feel comfortable applying it daily.
    Fantastic product – I’ve recommended it to friends and am rebuying.

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