From Our Family to Yours!

Welcome to Exactly Zero

You care what you put on and in your body. We do too.


Natural Health and Wellness Podcast

By Michael and Charlotte Fritzius

This show is all about the journey we’ve had in learning about clean living, good nutrition, and how we took a health crisis that happened in 2012 and turned it into something that’s ended up helping us and others get better control of our health. We ended up starting a business called Exactly Zero in early 2021, And, it’s strengthened our Christian faith on the way.

Keeping Your Head in the Game, with Melissa Deally The Health and Wellness Podcast by Exactly Zero

This week on The Health and Wellness Podcast, we welcome Melissa Deally to the show! And her terrific story as well, of course. Melissa got into the corporate world for over 20 years, until the company got bought. And she decided she didn’t want to work for someone again, and that she wanted to be more service to the planet and humanity. She now helps people in several areas, from health coaching to toxicity detection, brain health and healing from chronic illness, etc., and we thank her for coming by to share her story with us! Find Melissa on social media: Website: Linkedin: Facebook:
  1. Keeping Your Head in the Game, with Melissa Deally
  2. Enriching Children in the Post-Covid Era with Michelle Mintz
  3. Girl Talk with The Period Empress – Christine-Marie Quigless
  4. The Three Words You Never Want to Hear: You Have Cancer with Dina Legland
  5. On Spirituality and Homeopathy
  6. Finding the Parenting Blueprint
  7. Mawwiage is What Bwings Us Together Today
  8. We Don't Have a Healthcare System, We Have a Sick Care System

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